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Shoulder Pain Slowing You Down? This Easy Self-Assessment Might Tell You The Cause!

“Where you think it is - it ain’t” Ida Rolf

We see hundreds of patients with anterior shoulder pain. And while a lot of the time, the biceps tendon is the culprit (but not always), the real source of the problem is a stiff, or stuck, posterior shoulder!

Here’s a quick screen you can easily perform on your own to assess the range of motion of the primary posterior shoulder muscles - teres minor and infraspinatus.

  1. Lean against a wall (this helps keep your scapula down).

  2. Bring your elbow to shoulder height.

  3. Bend your elbow to 90 degrees and rotate your hand down without letting your shoulder pop forward or your scapula to move.

You SHOULD HAVE about 90 degrees of motion or in other words, be able to almost touch the wall with your hand.

Limited internal rotation ROM leads to compensations with functional activities and can ultimately lead to pain and poor function. Then you come 😢crying to us to fix you.

Take care of it now!