If You Think Wellness is Expensive, Try Illness


I’m going to be super direct and candid with you today. I normally try to share an inspiring story or uplifting, helpful anecdote that (hopefully) motivates you or brings a bright moment to your day, but I’m going to cut to the chase today…because we all need to hear this.

When it comes to your health, you either pay now—or you pay later. Now, “pay” here implies a few things: your attention and care, your effort, will power and time, and—yes, at times—resources.

Our bodies and minds will age (there’s no getting around that one!), but how our genes play out as we age is almost entirely up to us. Yup. You read that correctly. In fact, 95% of our genes take their cues from lifestyle and environmental factors. That’s HUGE. So, yeah, when it comes to our health, we have way more power and control than you think.

But, the choice is yours.

We can pay the personal trainer/coach now, or the Doctor/Surgeon later. We can take time out of our busy workweeks to meditate and workout now, or we may find ourselves with lots of time on our hands when we crash and burn in the winter.

I’ve seen this quote bouncing around social media lately, and I absolutely love it because it’s so darn true: If you think wellness is expensive, try illness.

So, what’s your health worth to you? Neglecting it could cost you everything…

Stop neglecting your health right now and do something about it.

I have created a 14 Day Mobility Challenge specifically to keep your joints and body healthy. If you could only do 1 thing to stay pain free active and mobile this would be it!

The challenge starts today and only takes you 10 minutes each day to complete. 10 minutes a day is a small investment compared to the rising cost of injury and illness.

I challenge you to take control of your health and join this challenge. It will be the best gift you can give yourself this winter.


Mobility Workshop Sunday December 6th 9 am


14 Day Mobility Challenge