The Real Reason We Change


Pain is the reason we change.

Discomfort is the reason we grow.

-Michael Gervais

Name one thing that grows without overcoming obstacles.

The definition of resiliency is the ability to recover from difficulties. In other words you do not get stronger from doing easy things.

Every time you hit a low point or experience pain or discomfort, remind yourself that the climb out builds strength, character and trust. Trust with yourself.

Change is deeply uncomfortable. Every step of the way. What we have to accept is that either way: staying the same, or doing something different, is going to be uncomfortable. So we need to choose to be uncomfortable on our own. Choose your discomfort if you will.

Keep embracing discomfort and know that you have everything you need to climb out from where you are. Trust that you are exactly where you need to be and take the next step. One step at a time.

You do not have to go it alone.

Me and my team are here for you to help you change so you can get out of pain. We are there through the discomfort and help you grow.

If you or someone you know is looking to get out of pain for good click the link below and we can help you get out of where you are and on to where you want to go.



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