Corona Crusher Superset V1

All you’ll need for this full body home workout is some bands, a chair, and some dedication to getting stronger every day!

Go through these as supersets, so each group of two exercises is repeated until you’ve done three sets of each before moving on to the next group of two. Rest as little as possible between the two exercises of each superset, 45s between each set within a superset, and 1 minute between each superset.


-Glute Bridges (Double Leg 15-20 reps) (Single Leg 10-12 reps e/ side)

-Banded Mountain Climbers 12 reps e/ side

SS #2

-Banded side steps to fatigue

-Chair/Bench Dips 12-15 reps

SS #3

-Bear Crawl Clocks 2 times around and back

-Reverse Lunge with Twist 12 reps e/ side

SS #4

-Reverse Elbow Pushups 12 reps

-Shoulder Taps 30s


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